Do you repeatedly remind people about expiring contracts, even when you’d rather resolve more urgent matters?
Contract management - like most office work - is time consuming. Every week we hear about new productivity systems, but they’re usually for big organisations. Ones with dedicated legal teams and so much capacity they care more about software adoption rates than saving individuals’ time.
When you’re on a smaller team this doesn’t work so well. You know fancy processes don’t keep contracts current. People do. When they fail to act you need a capable stand-in, not ignored group calendars and unopened spreadsheets.
What if there was a contract management tool for office staff like us? An effortless, trustworthy tool that could:
- Reliably remind contract stakeholders about upcoming expirations.
- Deal with different reminder schedules and stakeholder groups per contract.
- Treat external stakeholders as equals.
- Work without stakeholders having to use the tool.
That’s Cue Contract. The contract management tool built for you, not Fortune 500s.
Free up time. Cue Contract sends contract expiry notifications, to everyone that needs them at the times they want them, so you don’t have to. Loading contracts is a breeze with the straightforward user interface designed to get out of your way.
Meet stakeholders where they are. Notifications are delivered to their email inboxes. There are no new things to learn, tools to open or places to check.
Consolidate related information in a single place. Cue Contract can store everything contract related. When the inevitable questions come you can answer quickly without resorting to the usual frantic digging through the file cabinets.
Know the tranquility of having Cue Contract as stand-in. Management and contract stakeholders are happy because whenever a contract expiration is looming, they get their notifications and reminders like clockwork.
It’s painless to enter contracts into Cue Contract for fail-safe expiration tracking. Try us and see.